How it works

All you need to know about the process for getting started with Hubb, from signing up for a free trial, to going live with your website, app and church management system.
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An introduction

Watch our short intro video to understand what Hubb is and how it can help your church.

1. Start your free trial

To get started with you 30 day free trial, click here and fill out the form.

It takes us up to one working day to send you your site. You will receive a link to create your password so you can login to the site and begin to personalise it for your church.

Your free trial will feature our default template which is used in our support videos. This will help you learn how to use the Hubb system more quickly.

Whilst you are in your free trial period, you can begin to think about which template you would like to use for your website when you sign up fully and go live with Hubb.

2. Personalise your trial site

When you get your trial site, we’ll send you a link to our video guides. These are easy to follow videos that take you through the process of logging in to your trial site, personalising the website for your church, and getting started with our administration and communication features.

Get in touch with our support team if you need help or a demonstration of the system.

3. Choose your website template

Once you’ve decided to sign up with Hubb you can view the template options and choose one for your church. Click here to view our templates.

We can change the fonts and colour scheme of any template to suit your logo and branding for FREE. We want every church, no matter their budget or resources, to have an amazing website.

If you would like to mix and match sections from different templates to create a unique layout for your church, or if you would like a quote for a bespoke website design, please get in touch.

4. We’ll set up your church app

We will create an icon for your app using your church logo, and we’ll style the app to match your colour scheme. This is a free service we provide. Just contact us during your trial period to request the free app styling option.

There are 2 different app layouts that you can choose from. We will send you more information about this when you are in your trial period.

5. Sign up and choose your plan

Near the end of your 30 day free trial, you will hopefully be wanting to sign up with Hubb. There are a few things to consider...

a) Pricing plans

You can choose to sign up for just a website, a website and app, or the website, app and all of the church management features. You are welcome to sign up for what you need now, and then upgrade later to more features when you are ready. See the pricing here.

b) Domains and emails

We can buy you a new domain name, or take over managing your existing domain for you. This is a great choice if you don’t want the worry of managing the technical details yourself.

We can also host your emails for you to get email addresses like for example. Our email service starts from just £2 per mailbox, per month*. Our email hosting solution is simple, and we support you if you need a hand. For more information visit our email hosting page.

c) Sign up

When you are ready, go to the signup page and complete the form. We will be in touch to set up billing and send more information about going live with the features you have chosen.

If you have any questions, please contact us for more information.

*Prices are subject to change. For up-to-date pricing please visit our pricing page.

6. Going live!

Once you are signed up as a customer and you have your Hubb system ready to launch to the public, all you need to do is get in touch with our support team and arrange going live.

If we manage your domain, we will take care of everything for you. If you manage your own domain, you will need to update some information regarding your domain name, but don’t worry, we are on hand to help every step of the way.

Friendly customer support

With your monthly plan comes free customer support. So if you have a question or need a hand, just contact our support team. They are friendly and knowledgeable, and they’re available to help with any query you may have.

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